Which Plan is for Me?
Health insurance concerns can vary from person to person. That’s why CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield offers an array of plans designed to meet various financial, benefit and family needs. Reviewing the examples below can help show you how a certain plan can meet your needs.
Grace, 60-year-old Chief of Staff
Grace is a Chief of Staff who needs to use multiple specialists in the CareFirst service area of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. She wants access to care without a lot of out-of-pocket costs. She is 60 years old and married with no dependents. Grace is considering BlueChoice Advantage Gold 0 Ded because she likes the convenience of having no deductible and only low out-of-pocket expenses when she accesses the large local network of more than 68,000 providers.

Michael, 48-year-old Member of Congress
Michael is a 48-year-old Member of Congress with four dependent children between the ages of 16 and 23. They lead an active lifestyle and are high users of the healthcare system outside the CareFirst service area. A good choice for Michael and his family would be BlueChoice Advantage Gold 800 Ded. This plan provides in-network benefits outside of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. He can access BlueChoice providers while in D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia, and he and his family can also access PPO providers in his home state or any state outside the CareFirst service area. Both in and out of the CareFirst service area, Michael and his family are covered and protected from balance billing.

Diane, 64-year-old Member of Congress
For Diane, a 64-year-old Member of Congress, her main concern is network availability. She wants to be able to use a number of providers both within the CareFirst service area of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia and around the country. BluePreferred PPO Gold 800 Ded will meet her needs because she will quickly meet the deductible. She will then have easy access to a network of 91% of the doctors and specialists in the United States.

Bryce, 25-year-old Staffer
Excited to be in D.C., Bryce is a 25-year-old legislative assistant. Insurance is not first on his mind, but he knows having health insurance is important. He currently does not have a primary care provider (PCP) and uses the healthcare system infrequently. He does want to access care in the CareFirst service area of Washington, D.C., Maryland and Northern Virginia. Bryce might consider the BlueChoice HMO Gold 1500 Ded plan. He will get all his wellness and preventive care only in the CareFirst service area, should he need urgent/emergency care out-of-area, he is covered.

Jennifer, 30-year-old Staffer
Jennifer is a 30-year-old married legislative director from Georgia. She and her husband are planning to have a baby in 2023, and they are concerned about upcoming expenses. Knowing ahead of time that one member of the family is most likely going to meet the deductible quickly, they are considering BluePreferred PPO Gold 1000 Ded. This plan offers a separate deductible for family coverage, meaning that as soon as Jennifer meets her individual deductible CareFirst will begin paying 100% of her allowed medical costs.