Why choose BlueCross BlueShield?

Unmatched provider access
- With 91% of national providers1 and 99% of local providers2 within our Blues network, you have the broadest access to care.
Local expertise
- Our extensive and long-standing local relationships give you unparalleled access to providers and community organizations, resulting in enhanced care coordination and improved health outcomes.
Benefits everywhere
- No matter where you live or travel, you have access to your benefits for emergency care everywhere. Our Global Core program—included in every CareFirst plan—ensures you can get medical assistance services and access to doctors, hospitals and other healthcare professionals in nearly 200 countries.
Comprehensive care
- Our comprehensive care approach meets you where you are, ensuring you have a consistent, whole health experience that helps you better manage your physical, emotional, social and financial well-being.
Innovative member solutions
- Beyond health coverage, you have access to our comprehensive portfolio of best-in-class member solutions to help you achieve your best health in all stages of life, health and conditions.
Affordable prescriptions
- Many plans have no deductible for generic prescriptions, with low copays/coinsurance for non-specialty prescriptions.

CareFirst is proud to be recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® for 12 consecutive years.
1CHP 2024 Network Access Compare Findings with additional data
2CareFirst Book of Business Data
"World's Most Ethical Companies" and "Ethisphere" names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC.