CloseKnit is a registered Trademark owned by, and is the trade name of, Atlas Health, LLC. Atlas Health, LLC d/b/a CloseKnit does not provide Blue Cross Blue Shield products or services and is providing in-person and telehealth services to CareFirst members. Atlas Health, LLC is a corporate affiliate within the CareFirst, Inc. corporate umbrella of companies.
Serving Maryland, the District of Columbia, and portions of Virginia, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is the shared business name of CareFirst of Maryland, Inc. and Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Medicare Advantage is the shared business name of CareFirst Advantage, Inc., CareFirst Advantage PPO, Inc. and CareFirst Advantage DSNP, Inc. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Community Health Plan Maryland is the business name of CareFirst Community Partners, Inc. In the District of Columbia and Maryland, CareFirst MedPlus is the business name of First Care, Inc. In Virginia, CareFirst MedPlus is the business name of First Care, Inc. of Maryland (used in VA by: First Care, Inc.). CareFirst of Maryland, Inc., Group Hospitalization and Medical Services, Inc., CareFirst Advantage, Inc., CareFirst Advantage PPO, Inc., CareFirst Advantage DSNP, Inc., CareFirst Community Partners, Inc., CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield Community Health Plan District of Columbia, CareFirst BlueChoice, Inc., First Care, Inc., and The Dental Network, Inc. are independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. BLUE CROSS®, BLUE SHIELD® and the Cross and Shield Symbols are registered service marks of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans.
“World’s Most Ethical Companies” and “Ethisphere” names and marks are registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC.