Contraceptive Coverage

Contraceptive coverage is available at no cost to FEHB members. The contraceptive benefit includes at least one option in all methods of contraception (as well as the screening, education, counseling, and follow-up care). Any contraceptive that is not already available without cost sharing on the formulary can be accessed through the contraceptive exceptions process described below.

  • Preventive Services Contraceptive Zero Copay Exception criteria is intended to allow the member to receive a $0 member cost share for any Health Care Reform preventive services contraceptive product not already covered at a $0 member cost share when determined to be medically necessary. To request the exception your provider should contact CVS directly via phone or fax the Exception Request Form.
  • Reimbursement for over-the-counter contraceptives can be submitted by following the instructions on the Prescription Reimbursement Claim Form found here.

FEHBP Members can find additional information regarding their contraception coverage on OPM’s webpage Contraception Coverage ( Members can also contact OPM at if they have difficulty accessing contraceptive coverage or other reproductive healthcare.