United States Postal Service

Text Alerts

To receive benefits updates regarding the CareFirst plan and other benefits plans, sign up to receive text messages from USPS

Text "PRECAREER" to 39369

How to Enroll, Change or Cancel Your Enrollment

The United States Postal Service uses PostalEASE® to enter USPS Health Benefits Plan Open Season enrollments, changes, and cancellations and to enter New Hire enrollments. All the information you need for using PostalEASE is found on PS Form 3117, PostalEASE USPS Health Benefits Plan Worksheet.

You can access the PostalEASE website:

  • On the Internet (https://liteblue.usps.gov),
  • At an Employee Self-Service Kiosk (available in some facilities), or
  • On the Postal Service intranet (from the Blue® page).

Once logged into PostalEASE the USPS Health Benefits Plan link is located under the Benefits heading from the PostalEASE Employee Web Main Menu.

Otherwise, call the Employee Service Line to reach PostalEASE toll-free at 877-4PS-EASE (877-477-3273, option 1) or 866-260-7507 for TTY.

Coverage is effective the pay period following your enrollment via PostalEASE or the pay period following the HRSSC's receipt of your PostalEASE Worksheet. Coverage for elections made during Open Season are effective January 1 of the following year.

Benefits at a Glance

Knowing your options for care doesn’t just keep you healthy—it also helps you save money. Get to know the options below to make sure you're getting the right care at the right cost. Learn what's new in 2024 (PDF).

Of course, in case of emergency, always call 911 or visit the closest emergency room.

Health Benefits

The USPS Health Benefits Plan is available to eligible non-career employees. However, Casuals must average 30 hours per week over a measurement period to be eligible. If you are a Casual, you will receive a letter in the mail with information on eligibility and enrollment dates. You can get 24/7, on-demand access to the Handbook EL-520, Guide to USPS Health Benefits Plan, and other plan information online at the USPS liteblue website.

Take a closer look at your health plan.


For information, resources and answers to your questions about prescription drug coverage or mail order shipping, call 833-960-4025. Or, login to My Account.

Dental Benefits

Your medical plan includes dental services, which are covered at no cost to you when you choose a dentist in the network.

Your coverage includes:

  • Routine exams and two cleanings during the plan year
  • Routine X-rays
  • Fluoride treatments for children under age 16

Find an in-network dentist close to you.


CloseKnit offers 24/7 access to the support you deserve—from primary and urgent care to therapy and more through your desktop or the convenient CloseKnit mobile app.

CloseKnit services include:

  • Advanced primary care (adults 18+)
  • Urgent care (adults and children 2+)
  • Behavioral health (adults and children 2+)
  • Diet and nutrition (adults and children 5+)
  • New parent support

*CloseKnit is a registered Trademark owned by, and is the trade name of, Atlas Health, LLC. Atlas Health, LLC d/b/a CloseKnit does not provide Blue Cross Blue Shield products or services and is providing in-person and telehealth services to CareFirst members. Atlas Health, LLC is a corporate affiliate within the CareFirst, Inc. corporate umbrella of companies.

Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

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Wellness Support

We’re pleased to introduce CareFirst WellBeing℠—your personalized digital connection to your healthiest life. You have access to motivating digital resources—24/7—plus programs to help you reach your unique health and wellness goals.

  • RealAge®: online health assessment trackers - Connect your wearable device or enter your own data to monitor daily habits like sleep, steps, nutrition and more.
  • Challenges: Help you stay motivated and make reaching your health goals more entertaining.
  • Specialized programs: Tobacco cessation, weight management, financial well-being and more.
  • Financial incentives: Blue Rewards awards you for completing healthy activities. Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

Visit carefirst.com/sharecare to get started today.

Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

Download CareFirst app from apple store    Download CareFirst app from google play

Diabetes Virtual Care Program

Support for members who need help stabilizing their type 2 diabetes.

Provided by Onduo*, a leading diabetes management company, this program provides personalized support, easy-to-use tools and access to certified diabetes educators through a mobile app. The program provides you with the care and support you may need in between your doctor visits such as:

  • Testing supplies and connected devices: Receive a welcome kit with a connected blood glucose meter and unlimited test strips shipped right to your door. Supply refills are available at no additional cost.
  • Personalized one-on-one virtual coaching: Get answers to all your diabetes-related questions. You can also chat with your personal care lead to set up a plan to improve your nutrition, start an exercise program, or meet a health goal.
  • Virtual doctor visit: Schedule a telehealth visit with an endocrinologist or certified diabetes educator, as needed, to receive personal recommendations and guidance to manage any symptoms. We’ll take care of coordinating information with your doctor.

Interested? Eligible members will be contacted about joining the program.

* Onduo is an independent company.

Maternity Support

Take advantage of maternity and family resources through your CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield wellness program, brought to you by Sharecare. These resources are available through Ovia Health, a leading women’s health company. Select from programs such as fertility, pregnancy or parenting!

Get started at carefirst.com/sharecare.

Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

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Financial Wellness

Financial wellness is an important part of your overall well-being. It’s not about how much money you make. It’s about having control over your money and making it work for you to achieve your goals. Take advantage of the SmartDollar program, included with your benefits, to access tips for budgeting and saving, plus:

  • A personalized dashboard and emails
  • Content from financial experts Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze
  • Online tools including the EveryDollar Budget app
  • Ongoing support

Start taking control of your financial fitness today. Log in to your wellness program and navigate to Achieve, choose Programs, then Financial Well-Being.

Get started at carefirst.com/sharecare.

Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

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Weight Management

Through CareFirst WellBeing, you have access to weight management solutions that help you better understand your relationship with food and gain the knowledge needed to make lasting changes and reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

See which program is right for you. Log in to or sign up for CareFirst WellBeing . Once logged in, select Youfollowed by Benefits. Next, click Health & Fitness.

Access your CareFirst account on-the-go. Visit your app store to download the CareFirst app.

Download CareFirst app from apple store    Download CareFirst app from google play

Prescription Drugs

Here are some ways to save on your prescriptions and also help reduce your overall medical costs.

  • Ask for generic drugs or drugs on the preferred drug list
  • Get up to a three-month supply of maintenance medications for the cost of two copays versus three copays

Pharmacy Tools

  • Access our Drug Search tool, order prescriptions online or find other helpful information about using your drug plan.
  • Use mail service pharmacy to save additional dollars on maintenance medication
  • Locate a pharmacy close to you

Pharmacy Tools

Cancer Support

CareFirst has developed specialized telephone-based case management for adult and pediatric patients with cancer (oncology) diagnoses. Participation in this program can improve the coordination of all your care, leading to better health outcomes, lower costs and enhanced quality of care.


LiteBlue Human Resources is your hub for all USPS employee information. Visit the site when you have questions about things like:

  • Health Benefits
  • Organizational changes
  • How to access HR apps like PostalEASE® and ePayroll
  • USPS Wellness

It’s also a great resource for big life changes like family leave, changing your address, what to do when you’re on military duty and more.

PostalEASE website   Log in to LiteBlue


Right care. Right place. Right price.

Costs can vary drastically between the high-quality, in-network facilities. SmartShopper helps you compare in-network prices for 100+ procedures at high-quality locations, so you don’t pay more for your procedure than you must.

Here's how it works:

Compare Prices

In-network prices vary. Compare prices and rewards by calling or shopping online.

Make your Appointment

Let SmartShopper help you schedule or reschedule your appointment.

Earn Rewards

Earn up to $150 in cash as a reward by having your appointment within the year.

Procedure categories where you can save money with SmartShopper (PDF)

Visit My Account or call 888-345-2875 to learn more. The SmartShopper Personal Assistant Team is available 8:30 a.m.–8 p.m. Monday–Thursday, and 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. on Friday.