Member Tools
Knowing your options for care doesn’t just keep you healthy—it also helps you save money. Get to know the options below to make sure you're getting the right care at the right cost.
Of course, in case of emergency, always call 911 or visit the closest emergency room.
Find a Doctor
Search our directory to see if your doctors are part of our network. You can search for a medical or vision provider by last name.
Or, search for a specific type of provider within a specified distance. To find a medical provider in your network, select
BlueChoice Advantage.
Use Find a Doctor to locate:
- Doctors and other healthcare providers
- Healthcare facilities
- Labs
- Urgent care
CloseKnit offers 24/7 access to the support you deserve—from primary and urgent care to therapy and more through your desktop or the
convenient CloseKnit mobile app.
CloseKnit services include:
- Advanced primary care (adults 18+)
- Urgent care (adults and children 2+)
- Behavioral health (adults and children 2+)
- Diet and nutrition (adults and children 5+)
- New parent support
*CloseKnit is a registered Trademark owned by, and is the trade name of, Atlas Health, LLC. Atlas Health, LLC d/b/a CloseKnit does not provide Blue Cross Blue Shield products or services and is providing in-person and telehealth services to CareFirst members. Atlas Health, LLC is a corporate affiliate within the CareFirst, Inc. corporate umbrella of companies.
Behavioral Health
When mental health difficulties arise for you or a loved one, remember—we’re here to help. Our specially trained service
representatives, registered nurses and licensed behavioral clinicians are ready to:
- Help you find the right mental health provider(s) and schedule appointments
- Connect you with a care coordinator who will work with your doctor to create a tailored action plan
- Find support groups and resources to help you stay on track
Help is available 24/7 at 800-245-7013
- Press 1 for the crisis line
- Press 2 for questions, or help finding a provider in your service area
My Account
Your member portal is personalized to you and your CareFirst benefits. Stay on top of your health with easy access to everything you
need to understand your coverage, find care at the best price, and track your claims and deductibles at your fingertips.
- Find in-network doctors, urgent care centers and other care—nationwide
- View, order or email member ID cards
- Check claims and deductible status
- Update communication preferences and password
- Quickly access a variety of CareFirst member programs
If you haven’t already registered for My Account, it’s easy---just visit from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Hub
We have made improvements to help capture answers to all of the questions members ask. Our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
experience will help ensure you can quickly and easily find answers to your questions.