CareFirst SHORTs are Simple, Human, Original, Relatable, and Timely short-form, graphic content that allows you to review popular, quick-hit topics quickly and effectively.
Select a SHORT below to get started.
Benefit Year
BlueChoice Advantage
Blue Vision
The Find-a-Doctor Tool
Improving Antibiotic Prescription Practices - HEDIS (AAB)
Improving CPT Coding and Documentation Practices - (CIS-Combo 10)
Risk Adjustment - Chart Retrieval
Safe Opioid Prescribing Tips - CareFirst CHPMD
Think M.E.A.T.!
What is CAHPS?
What is Concurrent Clinical Review (CCR)?
Microlearning Modules
Adding Level of Care to Inpatient Authorization/Notification Requests
Attaching Clinical Documentation to Claims in CareFirst Direct
Authorization Lookup for Servicing Providers - Advanced Imaging (EviCore's CareCore National Portal)
Submitting Observation Notifications in the Authorization System
CareFirst Direct Portal Administrator Access
How to Identify Commercial Fully Insured Members in CareFirst Direct
How to Locate a Member’s Formulary in CareFirst Direct
Improving Antibiotic Prescription Practices (AAB)
Improving CPT Coding and Documentation Practices - (CIS-Combo 10)
Prior Authorization Lookup Tool Walk-Through
PT/OT/ST Utilization Management
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