Questions & Answers
Questions? We're here to help.
We are distinctive in five key areas:
- Largest network
- Deepest discounts
- Affordable, high quality care
- Mission driven not-for-profit
- Strong member experience
Through CareFirst Commitment and other charitable giving since 2005, we have dedicated more than $500 million to worthwhile programs and organizations.
The level of coverage you select through the AON Benefit Experience is designated by a metallic level. The metallic level you select will decide your premiums and the amount of cost-sharing, as well as your plan type and the way you access care.
Our dedicated customer service number is 844-439-6482 and the hours are 8 a.m.–9 p.m. ET Monday–Friday. Another way to reach us is to send us your question and contact information via our Ask CareFirst form and our Member Services team will reach out to you.
Our plans cover a wide range of preventive services at no additional cost beyond your regular monthly premium. Services include
For children:
- Well child visits
- Immunizations
- Behavioral health screenings
- Lead screenings
- Nutritional counseling
For adults:
- Immunizations
- Behavioral health screenings
- Cancer screenings
- Nutritional counseling
- Breastfeeding supplies and prenatal care
- FDA-approved contraceptives
See our latest
Healthcare Reform Update
for more details.
Use the Find a Doctor Tool, input the zip code where you want to look for care and select Blue Preferred as your network.
When you see a participating provider, you are free from filing claims. However, if you use a non-participating provider, you may be required to pay all costs at the time of care, and then submit a claim form in order to be reimbursed for covered services.
If you get your medications by mail order now, you will need to set up a new mail order account when you move to your new carrier.
- We encourage you to refill your mail order prescription under your current plan before you change plans (if available), or ask your provider to write you a one-month prescription to be filled at a retail pharmacy while the mail order is set up.
- Please be sure to use your new member ID card when purchasing/ordering prescriptions on or after your effective date.
You may be eligible for our Continuity of Care process, which allows you or your dependent to receive care from
out-of-network providers for up to 90 days. Complete the
Continuity of Care form
and submit it to CareFirst to determine if you qualify for this process.
Except for medical emergencies, when you should go to the Emergency Room, CareFirst offers the following services:
- Free 24-Hour Nurse Advice Line – Call anytime to speak with a registered nurse. Nurses can provide you with medical advice and recommend the most appropriate care.
- CloseKnit Virtual Care – Primary care, urgent care, mental health support and more services are available using the CloseKnit mobile app or online via your computer. Appointments are scheduled with you in mind, offering 24/7 availability for some services and flexible appointment hours to fit your needs.
Review a glossary of some of our most-used terms.