Introducing Health Insurance Partnership
The Health Insurance Partnership, a program offered through the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) has allocated a subsidy program to help Maryland’s small employers provide health insurance to their employees. The goal of the program is to reduce the number of uninsured residents in Maryland to improve the health of Maryland’s employees and their families.
Under the Partnership, a small business that has 2 to 9 full-time employees, has not offered health insurance to its employees during the previous 12 months, and meets wage and salary requirements established by the MHCC is eligible to receive a subsidy of up to 50% of the premium.
Beginning with 10/1 effective dates, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield is offering the following BlueFund or Compatible CDH products to subsidy-eligible accounts. These plans include Health Savings Accounts to assist employees in paying their out-of-pocket medical expenses on a tax-free basis.
October 6, 2008 Sales Flash - updates to the September 24th Sales Flash. Changes to required CareFirst products in MHCC Registry for effective dates 11/1 and after.
September 24, 2008 Sales Flash - important information on subsidy products, application coding, policy name and ID requirements and business rules.
Employer Marketing Flyer - to promote this subsidy program to your Maryland small group clients.
Health Insurance Partnership Application - a link to the MHCC application to complete the enrollment process.
MHCC Registry - to receive a subsidy quote after an initial quote has been obtained from CareFirst. (For authorized users only)
MHCC Calculator - to determine if a group qualifies for the subsidy.
Wellness Component - a wellness rider that offers a health risk assessment must be included with subsidy plans.
MHCC Web site - for additional Partnership information including the Subsidy Table, FAQs, Presentations, etc.