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CareEssentials - Health Education Resources

Introduction | Prevention | Utilization Management | Disease Management | Case Management | Health Education Resources

The following material can be used to promote CareEssentials to your employees. The information is presented in a printer-friendly, PDF format PDF.

CareEssentials Playbook

The CareEssentials Playbook for Fully-insured Groups* is a manual to help you implement your own worksite wellness programs. It contains:

  • Information about the CareEssentials programs,
  • Best practice ideas,
  • The 2008 MyHealthProfile mailing schedule, and
  • A snapshot of available CareFirst communication materials and how to access them.

To obtain a copy of the CareEssentials Playbook for Self-insured Groups, please contact your CareFirst representative.

MyHealthProfile/Online Lifestyle Management Programs:

Disease Management:

CareEssentials Promotional Collateral:

Health Education Brochures:

Children's Health:

General Health & Wellness:

Men's Health:

Mental Health:


Preventive Care:

Women's Health:

Folleto Educativo de la Salud (Health Education Brochures)

* These materials are available in PDF format only. All other materials are available in print. Contact your broker or CareFirst representative for information.


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PDF Viewing and printing this document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded free from the Adobe site.

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